Sunday, May 10, 2009

How to Get Your Ex Back: Strategy #3

This is the fouth post in my series on how to get your ex back. If you missed the first 3 posts, you can find them here:

5 Strategies to Help You Win Back Your Ex

To Get Your Ex Back, Be Strong

To Get Back With Your Ex, Give Some Space

Today, let's talk about the third strategy - being flexible.

Often, when we're dealing with relationship problems, we resort to ultimatums. We start barking orders like, "Get the trash out before morning, or I'm dumping it in the driveway!" Well, those kinds of things just usually don't work very well... and they might be part of the reason why your ex left in the first place.

If you've done this in the past (and be honest with yourself - trying to fool yourself isn't going to do anyone any good), yu're going to have to learn a little flexibility. Not only that, but you're going to have to demonstrate to your ex that you've softened a bit, too.

One way you can demonstrate this is very simple (yet very powerful) - listening. Just listening to what your ex has to say, without judgment or prejudice, will go a long way toward helping you get back your ex.

This doesn't just mean looking at your ex and tuning him or her out. You're not fooling anyone - he or she will quickly figure out that you're hearing, but not listening. You actually need to consider what your ex is saying, even if it's not particularly pleasant, and respind with empathy and compassion.

Your ex deserves to be listened to. His or her opinions and feelings are important. And even if your ex needs to tell you about things you've done wrong, understand that he or she dislikes your actions - not you. You can change... and listening to your ex gives you the information you need to know exactly how to change.

Next time, we'll talk about a strategy for getting your ex back that is actually fun (hey, we can't work all the time)!

1 comment:

  1. I was able to get my ex back after I followed the instructions at I totally recommend this site, helped me a lot, all I can say is big THANKS!!! I'm so happy now...
